Southwest VA Regional HOUSING SUMMIT

APRIL 26, 2023
Wytheville Meeting Center
Building a Brighter
Southwest Virginia
Bland | Carroll | Galax | Grayson | Pulaski | Smyth | Wythe
To address Southwest Virginia's current and future housing needs our communities hosted a regional housing summit in April 2023. We invited housing developers, builders, investors, bankers, local leaders, and property owners to the table to network and explore available opportunities. The intent was to focus on sites, existing buildings, and local programs to realize housing solutions in Southwest Virginia’s favorable business climate.
We heard from S. Patz and Associates about the recently completed regional housing study, Virginia Housing, VA Department of Housing and Community Development, VCDC, partners who successfully utilized programs, and from localities in the region about developable sites, existing buildings, and local housing incentives.
Event presentations can be found below.
8:15 - Doors Open
Breakfast and Check-in
9:00 - Welcome
9:10 - Opening Remarks: Virginia Housing
Chris Thompson, Director of Strategic Housing
9:30 - S. Patz & Associates presents Regional Housing Study
Ariel Goldring, President
10:15 - Locality: Wythe County
10:30 - Locality: Pulaski County
10:45 - Break & Networking
11:00 - Locality: Smyth County
11:15 - Locality: Town of Marion
11:30 - Company Panel
Regional Businesses Discuss Workforce Housing
12:00 - Lunch
Saving Rural Virginia: Building the Nest
Luke Allison, Aggregate Capital Consultants, Inc
1: 00 - Collaborative Housing Resources
Virginia Housing
Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD)
Vibrant Communities Drive Change (VCDC)
Mount Rogers Planning District Commission (PDC)
2:00 - Locality: Town of Wytheville
2:15 - Locality: City of Galax
2:30 - Locality: Town of Pulaski
2:45 - Break & Networking
3:00 - Affordable Housing: Lessons Learned from Collaborations
Andy Kegley, HOPE, Inc Executive Director
3:15 - Proposed Residential Incentives – Danville, VA
Susan McCulloch, Housing Development Division Director
3:30 - Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Jarrod Elwell, Community Development Regional Manager
4:30 - 6:30pm – Reception at Seven Sisters Brewery
The Mount Rogers Planning District Commission and New River Vallely Regional Commission recently completed housing studies designed to evaluate the current and potential markets for new housing within the region. Below you’ll find locality reports that assess existing conditions and identify paths forward to meet future housing needs.
Localities in Southwest Virginia, resource organizations, and partners who have ustilized housing programs to complete development projects shared what they had to offer and what they've learned. Below are their presentations from the April 2023 SWVA Regional Housing Summit.

We look forward to facilitating connections and showcasing opportunities for residential development in Southwest Virginia. In order to produce this and future housing summits, our community partners rely on the generous contributions of sponsors. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please contact register@wytheida.org by April 19 to be included in printed materials.

Speaking time during the event
Booth space in exhibit area during the event
Half page ad on printed event program
Logo prominently featured on printed and digital materials
Logo on event signage
Recognition during programming
Sponsor Ribbon on name badge for all organization attendees

Speaking time during the event
Booth space in exhibit area during the event
Logo on printed and digital materials
Logo on event signage
Recognition during programming
Sponsor Ribbon on name badge for all organization attendees

Booth space in exhibit area during the event
Logo on printed and digital materials
Logo on event signage
Recognition during programming
Sponsor Ribbon on name badge for all organization attendees

Logo on printed and digital materials
Recognition during programming
Sponsor Ribbon on name badge for all organization attendees

Name listed on printed and digital materials
Recognition during programming
Sponsor Ribbon on name badge for all organization attendees
Whether you're traveling from near or far, we have many options to accommodate your needs.
For questions, contact:
Joint Industrial Development Authority of Wythe County
Event Address
Wytheville Meeting Center
333 Community Blvd
Wytheville, VA 24382